
Technology In Business MN5F65FB Level 4


  • Unit No:
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4117
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Research Title: The Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity- A Case Study on Uber

Research questions:

  • what is the importance of digital technology in the service sector?
  • What is the influence of mobile applications on the business activities of Uber?
  • State the relationship between digital technology and organisational growth.

1. Introduction to Business Project

It can be said that digital technology stands crucial to an organisation in these competitive times. It helps in completely transforming the manner in which business operations are carried out. The undertaken software in this assignment revolves around a mobile application which has been formed by Uber (Pries and Guild, 2011). The introduction of the mobile application for this organisation has emerged to be a major turning point as it is now able to known to be the best cab service provider in the world.

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Introduction of an organisation

Uber Technologies is known to be an organisation that is responsible for catering ride-sharing and transportation services to people all around the world. This organisation was formed in the year 2009 with a mission to facilitate transportation to people and that too in a hassle-free manner. This organisation have been responsible for providing transportation to people more than 5 billion times and now has shifted its focus in to ensuring that services catered to are safe and affordable (Schermerhorn and et. al., 2014). This organisation have been headquartered in San Francisco, California and possesses a workforce of over 16,000 employees as of 2017.

Introduction of business activity

Marketing stands to be crucial in an organisation as it ensures that the services of the people can be perceived and utilised by the consumers in the best manner possible. The role of employees prior to the incorporation of mobile technology will be identified so that its influence on business operations can be understood.

Brief Business project strategy

In this research project information will be availed through numerous primary and secondary sources so that the right data can be availed. The articles which has been previously written on the subject matter are taken into consideration for the purpose of evaluation of data and for the purpose of obtaining primary sources it is crucial to form a questionnaire so that opinions and views of key people can be identified (Wagner, Beimborn and Weitzel,  2014). The questionnaire will be filled by the parents of colleagues and regular users of cab services in the United Kingdom.

Business project objectives

The project objectives are means through which the purpose of the project could be fulfilled. The three project objectives for this project are stated as follows:

  • To identify the importance of digital technology in the service sector
  • To determine the influence of mobile applications on Uber
  • To ascertain the relationship shared between digital technology and organisational growth


  • The first major limitation is that respondents who are undertaken do not reflect thinking of the whole population.
  • The sources from which information has been obtained have been limited. Therefore, there is limited access to the data on the subject matter.

Personal interest in the subject

The reason for undertaking this study is sheer interest in technological development and improvement (Brown and Seidner, 2012). The organisation which is utilised for this study is commonly utilised for the purpose of this study.

2. Implementation Plan

Gantt chart and Work break down structure Communication methods

Gantt chart and WBS help in providing a visual presentation of the tasks which are undertaken in this project. It is an approach which is known to provide timelines to the activities and ensure that they are completed in the right manner. The Gantt charts can be utilised as a tool to facilitate communication with each other in a more visual manner. The Gantt chart and WBS for this study are illustrated below.

Scheduled cost and budget

The costs which are undertaken in the completion of the project can be categorised on three crucial grounds such as:

  • The primary costs relate to pre-planning in which revolves around selecting the right people and topic to carry out the study.
  • There are numerous direct costs involved which can be involved in the project. The bringing together various resources to carry out the research are mentioned in this field.
  • The costs related to stationary and conveyance are treated as indirect as they cannot be linked to the research project in a direct manner (Duffy and Jonassen, 2013).

Challenges in the Implementation of Project

  • The primary barrier which has been encountered in the implementation of the research plan is less availability of resources. The budget restraint which has been encountered can be reflected through research outcomes.
  • Teamwork tends to be a secondary barrier which has been encountered during the completion of this research project. There were lots of instances of disagreement and conflict which aimed to work together.

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1) Data Collection Methods

It is extremely important to consider numerous sources of data collection so that a broad view of the subject matter can be undertaken. This method utilised are most suitable considering circumstances and availability of resources with business. The major tools undertaken for the purpose of collecting data are primary and secondary sources.

Primary Source of Data Collection: The various sources which are considered in order to collect raw data are interviews, surveys and most importantly questionnaires.  Only the researchers will have access to this data which is relevant to the study which has been undertaken (Ganguli, S. and Roy, S. K., 2011). In this study, a questionnaire will be employed to fulfil the requirement of information and find suitable outcomes.


Q1) How important does digitalisation stand for a business?


a) Less important


b) Very important


Q2) Have you ever used the Uber mobile application?


a) Yes


b) No


Q3) Do you use it for personal and professional reasons?


a) Personal Reasons


b) Professional Reasons


Q4) how is the UI (User interface) of the Uber mobile application


a) Easy-to-adapt


b) Difficult-to-adapt


Q5) Will the company is able to adopt growth with the refinement of its mobile application?


a) Yes


b) No


Q6) What new features could be introduced to the mobile application software?


a) Accurate tracking


b) Driver information


c) Safety Features


Q7) What are the major recommendations for further improvement?


Secondary sources of data collection: The secondary sources of data collection revolve around procuring information relevant to the subject matter from published sources such as newspapers, articles, journals and books. The information obtained from secondary sources is not as relevant as the primary data collected.

2) Project Information Gathered

There are numerous sources undertaken for the purpose of gathering information. The three crucial sources for data gathering are mentioned below:

Information through company website: The most important source to generate information is the visit to the company's website. This company is working to make cities better than they are at present through their technological expertise. The mobile application which has been developed by the company known to connect drivers and travellers with the help of technology (Edosomwan and et. al., 2011). When it rider requests a ride and the driver's partner agrees to accept the request journey happens. It will provide all the relevant information of the driver and the type of commute which is preferred by the rider ranging from basic to premium services.

Information through various articles: It could be identified from the articles published over the internet is that technology is redefining the manner in which services are delivered to clients. The presence of organisations over the internet platforms has directly impacted the influence and convenience of the customers. The information gathered has identified that the convergence of mobile platforms makes sure that there is an explosion of demand in this domain. The information obtained through these sources can be availed in a very hassle-free manner but sometimes carries less relevancy.

Information of surveys on Google: There are numerous surveys conducted by previous scholars on the subject matter further help in identifying customer perception relating to the brand and its services. The information which has been collected through such sources stated that approximately 60% of the people are satisfied with the variety of services which has been offered by the enterprise.

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3) Evaluation of project management process

It is essential to carry out effective data collection so that the behaviour of prospects and clients for the company can be identified. The data analysis when carried out properly can help a business in keeping track of the enterprise and assist in ascertaining the market position of an enterprise. The concept and process of data collection and analyses can be referred to as the most important part of the study and needs to be more qualitative, authentic, neutral and credible. The crucial ways through which data is available can be termed as accurate.

  • The primary approach for a scholar is to collect data only from sources which are relevant and reliable so that suitable outcomes can be formulated.
  • It is important to align factors which are responsible for contributing in the process of data collection (Marston and et. al., 2011).
  • It is essential to keep a neutral approach when it comes to data collection and analysis so that suitable information can be collected. The rumours, exaggeration and unproven claims are to be ignored so that a neutral perspective can be maintained.

The future research which is undertaken will be more specific and will possess more of the information which is relevant to the topic. The experience which has been attained will help in focusing on only the right set of activities and wasteful tasks will not be provided with time and resources. There will be an improved understanding on the manner through which research study could be conducted, therefore, lesser chances of committing errors.

4) Log Books

Week No.


Weekly  Update on Research



This is my first week on this research and there is still a lot of confusion related to the topic which has been chosen for the study. I and my teammates possess a lot of ideas which are to be screened and the most suitable one is to be selected. There is yet to be the determination of the task requirements as the project has not yet been initiated. The project management plan is under construction and there is no formulation of dates for this organisation. There are a lot of alternations carried out due to less experience and more confusion and these emerged to be major challenges which was ascertained. The determination of the topic of the research was identified due to its relevancy to the studies that I have undertaken.



The second week emerged to be most crucial for me as the determination of the topic of the study persuaded me to form a timeline so that necessary activities are provided with time and time and resources. The conversation with my mentor helped me in question the importance of technology for business organisations. After initially struggling I have chosen an organisation which I am familiar with and carries influence in the ideal lifestyle of the people.



Now I possess the topic which relates to identifying the impact that technology carries in the service sector specifically Uber. The proposal form which I submitted with the mentor was approved with numerous errors in the formatting and template. This week there were a lot of changes which were initiated in the project plan as earlier tasks did not go as planned. The time I have given to the initial stages was substantial and that is not the main part of the study. The lack of experience reflected in my work as there were numerous errors in the context of the research questions and in the formatting in which I presented the proposal. The mentor told me about the changes which are to be introduced and I worked accordingly.



This was the most crucial week for me as I had to gather data from numerous sources. It took a lot of time and hard work to build a questionnaire which was strictly relevant to the mobile technology of  Uber. The inputs given by the mentor relating to the questionnaire being simple and easy were tried to be followed. The major challenge which was encountered in this segment was to involve own point of view in the questions. The data which has been collected through primary and secondary sources have been analysed so that conclusions can be drawn.



This is the last week concerning this research report. I have to make final corrections in the study and proofread the same. I think I have made it just fine and will be able to make decent impression in front of the mentor. I happen to be a little afraid of public speaking which emerged as one of my biggest weaknesses as I have to present this in front of my evaluators. The rehearsals helped me in explaining the reason for undertaking this project and major learnings.



Research Analysis and Performance Review

Theme 1: Digitalisation is essential for business

Q1) How important does digitalisation stand for a business?


a) Less Important


b) Very Important



Interpretation: As per the illustrated graph, it can be claimed that digitalisation delivers development and revolution in the existing system and procedure in a more significant manner. As per the responders, 25 testees claimed that digitalisation is very fundamental for businesses to adopt. On the other hand, 5 respondents disagreed with this statement and affirmed that it is less important for business organisations.

Theme 2: Most consumers use Uber mobile App

Q2) Have you ever used the Uber mobile application?


a) Yes


b) No



Interpretation: After the analysis of above presented graph, this can be stated that 25 respondents out of 30 have optimised the Uber App whereas 5 of them still are unaware and untouched with its experience.

Theme 3: People use Uber for personal and professional purposes.

Q3) Do you use it for personal and professional reasons?


a) Personal Reasons


b) Professional Reasons


: As per the above-mentioned statistics it can claimed that people use the application of Uber for their convenience and personal and professional purposes equally.


Theme 4: UI is an easy-to-adapt technology

Q4) How is the UI (User interface) of the Uber mobile application?


a) Easy-to-adapt


b) Difficult-to-adapt


: As per the illustrated graph it can be affirmed that 22 respondents have felt it easy to adapt while using the UI of the Uber mobile App. Where 8 of them found it more difficult to adapt.


Theme 5: Refinement of App can lead to growth

Q5) Will the company be able to adopt growth with the refinement of its mobile application?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: The illustrated graph shows that 23 responders claimed that refinement in the App is necessary in Uber can lead them toward growth. Whereas 7 of them still do not agree with this amendment in the application.


Theme 6: Uber can introduce safety features in software for development

Q6) What new features could be introduced to the mobile application software?


a) Accurate tracking


b) Driver information


c) Safety Features


: In order to achieve business objectives and meet new modifications, the enterprise can include safety features as well as per the view of 15 responders. Whereas 7 of them stated driver information and 8 claimed accurate tracking of journey requirements in the App to change.


The major recommendations which can offered to this organisation are as follows:

  • The first recommendation is that this organisation should incorporate cashless transactions with their services. Such a factor will only add to the comfort and convenience which is availed by the rider.
  • The interface of the mobile application is smooth and user-friendly but there is still a need to work on such grounds so that first-time users are able to avail services easily.
  • This organisation can work on its mobile application to ensure that the level of safety and protection of the riders can be enhanced.

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It can be concluded from the above report that digital technology is a crucial element for an organisation working in the service sector. The development of mobile applications for the company has made sure that more people are able to utilise these services in the right manner. The organisation which is undertaken in this study is Uber Technologies, this business has been successful in connecting ride seekers with drivers through their mobile application which in return have availed them with immense growth in the market and international reach. There are numerous primary and secondary sources of data collection undertaken which have ascertained that convenience and comfort which has been offered by this organisation at affordable prices have led to its rise in the operating market.


  • Pries, F. and Guild, P., 2011. Commercializing inventions resulting from university research: Analyzing the impact of technology characteristics on subsequent business models. Technovation. 31(4), pp.151-160.
  • Schermerhorn, J. and et. al., 2014. Management: Foundations and Applications (2nd Asia-Pacific Edition). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Wagner, H.T., Beimborn, D. and Weitzel, T., 2014. How social capital among information technology and business units drives operational alignment and IT business value. Journal of Management Information Systems. 31(1), pp.241-272.
  • Brown, S. M. and Seidner, C. J. Eds., 2012. Evaluating corporate training: Models and issues (Vol. 46). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Duffy, T.M. and Jonassen, D.H. Eds., 2013. Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Routledge.
  • Ganguli, S. and Roy, S. K., 2011. Generic technology-based service quality dimensions in banking: Impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. International journal of bank marketing. 29(2), pp.168-189.
  • Edosomwan S.and et. al., 2011. The history of social media and its impact on business. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. 16 (3), p.79.
  • Marston, S. and et. al., 2011. Cloud computing—The business perspective. Decision support systems. 51(1), pp.176-189.
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